Thaumcraft 6 Feed Cows Using Golems

This page is about the Golemancy added by Thaumcraft 6. For other uses, see Golemancy .
Mod Thaumcraft 6
Type Mechanic

Golemancy is a mechanic added by Thaumcraft 6, in which Golems are created and used. The Golemancy tab can only be opened after a Snow Golem or an Iron Golem is scanned.

Creating Golems

Golems are created in the Golem Press. They, minimally, will require 8 Machina, 3 of the selected material, 2 Simple Arcane Mechanisms and one mind (default being a Clockwork Mind).

Five components of the Golem can be adjusted or added- the material, the addon module (or lack of one), the head, the arm and the leg. They will each change various factors about the Golem.


Material HP Armor Damage Added Traits Base Component

3.0 1.0 0.5 Light Frame
Greatwood Planks

10.0 4.0 1.5 Blastproof, Heavy Frame, Fireproof
Iron Plate

5.0 2.0 1.0 Fireproof
Hardened Clay

8.0 3.0 1.5 Light Frame
Brass Plate

12.0 5.0 2.0 Blastproof, Heavy Frame, Fireproof
Thaumium Plate

Void Metal
10.0 3.0 2.0 Improved Self Repair
Void Metal Plate

Addon Modules

Addon Module Added Traits Components

Armor plating
Armored, Heavy Frame







Aggression module

Carry Frame


Head Added Traits Components

Clockwork head

Smart head
Fragile, Smart

Armored smart head

Perceptive head
Scout, Fragile

Biothaumic head
Scout, Fragile, Smart


Arm Added Traits Components

Basic arms

Fine manipulators
Deft, Fragile

Claw arms
Fighter, Clumsy, Brutal


Breaker arms
Clumsy, Fragile


Dart launchers
Fighter, Clumsy, Ranged, Fragile




Leg Added Traits Components

Basic legs



Climbing legs


Levitation module
Flyer, Fragile



Traits are what allows a Golem to gain (or lose) certain specialized features. Traits are somewhat color-coded: red traits are considered negative traits, and blue traits are considered positive traits. Green traits affect how the Golem moves, and yellow traits affect how the Golem behaves.

Opposite traits will cancel each other out if combined. For example, if one component adds an Armored trait and one component adds a Fragile trait, the Golem will neither Armored nor Fragile.

Trait In-Game Description Advanced Description Opposite

The golem is reinforced with additional material which increases its armor rating. Counters and countered by Fragile. Armor will be 150% as effective or 1 point will be added, whichever is larger. Fragile

The golem is highly resistant to explosion damage. Blast damage is multiplied by 3/10 or becomes half of the max health, whatever is less.

This golem is capable of destroying most blocks with ease.

This golem inflicts greater melee damage in combat. The Golem's damage is increased or 50% or 1 is added, whatever is more.

Sheer cliffs to not deter this golem. It can easily scale them to get to its destination.

This golem has almost no manual dexterity and cannot perform tasks requiring more than the most basic kind of interaction. Counters and countered by Deft. Deft

This golem has a great deal of manual dexterity and can perform tasks requiring precision and a delicate touch. Counters and countered by Clumsy. Clumsy

The golem is capable of taking hostile action against other entities.

The golem is immune to fire damage.

The golem is capable of flight, giving it greater mobility at the cost of speed.

The golem is contructed from delicate components or weak materials which reduces its life total and armor rating. Counters and countered by Armored. Armor will be 75% as effective. Armored

Allows the golem to carry two stack of items instead of one.

The golem is heavier than average which reduces its speed and agility. Counters and countered by Light. Light

The golem is lighter than average which gives it increased speed and agility. Counters and countered by Heavy. Heavy

The golem can attack targets at range.

The golem repairs any damage suffered at more than double the normal rate.

The golem has a greater visual range and can operate in a much greater area (32 blocks range from home location instead of 16).

This golem is nearly sentient with greater reasoning and decision making capabilities.

The golem propels itself using wheels. This gives it greater speed, but it is unable to jump or navigate steep slopes.

Commanding Golems

Control Seals are items used to direct Golems, and the Golemancer's Bell is a tool used to modify the settings of a Control Seal.

When placed in the world, Control Seals are invisible. They will only be visible when a Golemancer's Bell or a Control Seal is held in hand. Shift right-clicking a placed Control Seal with the Golemancer's Bell will drop the seal.

Golems will automatically obey Control Seals in the area when applicable.

The Control Seals

Control Seal Has Advanced version Brief description

Block Breaker
No Allows the breaking of blocks.

No Kills adult animals.

Yes Collects dropped items.

Yes Empties items from inventories.

Yes Attacks hostile creatures.

No Harvests plants.

No Harvests trees.

No Provides items from inventories when needed.

Yes Puts items in an inventory.

No Left and right clicks on things.

No Restocks items.


Right-clicking a Control Seal in the world will allow the modification of the Control Seal's settings. There are six categories of settings: Area, Filter, Options, Priority/Locking, Requirements and Redstone. However, not all settings may be used in all seals.


The Area setting affects the region in which a Golem can work. It has three settings: Up/Down, East/West and North/South. The max size is 8-8-8, or 8 in each direction.

Visual cubes will appear in the world to display the size of the area, as seen below.

A Control Seal with 2 set for each Area setting (2-2-2).

The Control Seal's GUI.


Items may be added to the Filter to prevent them from being picked up. At the bottom, the Filter can be toggled between whitelist or blacklist.

The basic Control Seals can only have one item filtered, but Advanced Seals can have up to 9 items.

A basic Control Seal.

An Advanced Control Seal.


The Options group of settings adds many simple on or off options. The options available depend largely on the seal being used.

The options of the Advanced Collect Control Seal.


The Priority/Locking settings adjust the priority and privacy of the seal. The Task Priority can be any number in between -5 and 5. Higher priorities will be taken care of first by Golems before lower priorities.

The lock in the GUI is a toggle that can configure only the seal's owner's golems to do the task listed. To the right of that is a configuration that makes only Golems of a certain dye color do the listed task; Golems can dyed by being right-clicked. Picking up a Golem erases its color and it will need to be re-dyed.

Control Seal Priority Locking.png


The requirements category does not contain any settings, but lists what Traits are required and/or forbidden to do the task.

The requirements of the Advanced Collect Control Seal.


The last "category" is not a category at all, but rather a simple toggle. When toggled, the Control Seal will require a Redstone signal in order to operate.

Miscellaneous interactions

Shift-right clicking a Golem with a Wand will drop that Golem and whatever it is holding.

Thaumonomicon entry



Iron golems, snow golems and similar creations that anyone can throw together all have the same thing in common - they are unpredictable and uncontrollable.
The spirits that animate them are wild and follow their own will. This is a problem.
If you are going to create intelligent magical servants then you are going to have to give them a mind that is willing to take orders. The simplest solution is a clockwork construct quickened by Thaumaturgy. It has its limitations and very little autonomy, but it is a start.
Of course, now that you have a mind it is time to put it to use.
You have designed a special press that will allow you to craft simple golems. It includes an anvil and forge to make assembling the parts easier.

To assemble as golem you simply access the Golem Press and select the components you wish to craft the golem from. For now your selection is fairly limited, but you are sure you will develop more.
Each golem is made up from up to 5 components: The base material, a type of head, arms, legs and an optional addon module. Simply select which of these you want to use and a list of crafting components will be displayed on the right. You need to have the listed components in your inventory before you can start the crafting process.
Listed in the middle of the interface you will see the traits, hearts, armor and damage the golem will possess.
Lastly you will need to supply Machina essentia to the press. Several ports are provided below the main press mechanism for this purpose.
You can now place the golem wherever you wish, but it will not do much unless you also place down a

Golem Control Seal

. To learn more about them see the reseach category that will have unlocked.
When they have no tasks to perform, golems will return to the spot they were originally placed. You can pick up a golem by right clicking on it with a wand.
It is also possible to assign a color to a golem by clicking on it with dye. This is useful for limiting it specific seals. Picking up the golem will clear the color assigned to it.



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