Never Invisible Again

We we feel invisible ||  You are not forgotten  || God sees you
photo: Canva

Your Invisibility Just Might be Your Superpower

Friends, if being invisible, was indeed a superpower, I would be WonderWoman! I imagine I'chiliad not solitary. But I want you to know that when we feel invisible information technology may be leading to our greatest significance.

I thought I had written a post almost being invisible on the blog before, but patently, I've only written near my invisibility on Instagram. My obscurity was recently confirmed, and I shared about information technology in an Instagram story under "The Funny," merely for the sake of keeping you hither, permit me give y'all a quick overview.

I take Felt Invisible

If you feel invisible, it might be leading to your most significant accomplishments

For as long as I can call up, I am a daughter who's most probable to exist overlooked. If in that location was a Mostly Likey To be Overlooked category in my loftier schoolhouse yearbook, I'd be there. But I approximate information technology's invisible. 😉

In that location are times I prefer it this manner, but there are other times a girl likes to be remembered or simply noticed.

Like when she's sitting on the floor in her kindergarten story circle and the male child who kindly ate most of the class's unwanted tapioca pudding snacks puked it all upward. What does this have to exercise with anything? Well, he puked all over the back of her pinkish, beautifully splayed swiss dot skirt, and NO ONE NOTICED! Her invisibility is a problem in itself, merely when that lilliputian girl is besides shy to say anything, she rides habitation on the bus sitting in someone else's stinky puke.

Fast frontwards nearly 50 years, and this girl (you know it's me) is much the aforementioned, existence overlooked and feeling invisible in many other circles even if it'due south for skillful things and in her peer circles.

For instance, I was "forgotten" in a blogging peer group collaboration with a national sponsor. I had to watch as nearly of the other women in the group posted photo subsequently photo of themselves in gifted tee shirts displaying their age while I never received one. Had this been a one-time incident, I could write off the oversight, but this is truly the "story of my life", and sometimes it makes me wonder if I'thousand really and then unremarkable.

My Invisibility Confirmed

But here'south a funny story that might ostend my invisibility. The Hubs and I recently sent off our spit samples for a 23 and Me genetic analysis. Mr. Dimples got his results by the specified fourth dimension while mine kept saying, "Awaiting." But when I finally received the notification, I was told that although information technology's rare, my sample didn't comprise enough DNA to analyze. Now, read that right. Information technology didn't say there wasn't enough spit in the tube, merely that there wasn't adequate DNA in the spit sample. What?!?!

(Read this comically.) Could this really be why I'm always disregarded? Is my DNA footprint then minor I don't show up on this earth? Does this mean I can get abroad with murder? 😉

NO Compassion Please!

Please, I'm not vying for pity or compliments. I'm sharing this because I'grand certainly not alone in feeling invisible. Chances are nosotros've all felt invisible or overlooked at some bespeak in our lives, just that doesn't mean we are insignificant. Permit's say that again: We are Non INSIGNIFICANT.

Sometimes invisibility actually is the superpower we need to save the twenty-four hour period or an entire nation.

God Uses the Invisible Ones All the Fourth dimension!

I think God could very well pattern our cloak of invisibility on purpose. We may not have to wear it forever, but in certain circumstances, information technology has a purpose. God may exist protecting the states from leaping into a state of affairs we aren't nonetheless ready. Perhaps He'south preparing u.s.a. for what lay alee. Or, we may demand to fly under the radar to reach something specific. For instance…

Considering they were Invisible

As I was pondering this, I thought of Moses' sister, Miriam. Could she have carried babe Moses safely to the river without notice had she been a superstar attracting attending at every plough? Sometimes invisibility actually is the superpower nosotros need to salvage the solar day or an entire nation.

I too idea about David and how he must accept felt solitary and forgotten while he literally fought lions and tigers on his own. Why would God get out him in those circumstances? Did David cry out, "Lord, why have you left me all lone in these barbarian conditions; can y'all not see me hither?" But when he walked out to face a giant, nosotros see a guy prepared for what God had called him to do.

Perhaps the nearly infrequent case of God using someone of insignificance for His purpose was Mary, the mother of Jesus. A little nil of a woman was but who was needed to pull off an unwed pregnancy in those times. Joseph hid her to protect her from shame or harm, but over again, a popular adult female in her condition would take attracted massive amounts of scorn.

They were exactly who God had created them to be, spectacularly significant because of their insignificance.

Each of these seemly insignificant individuals remained invisible until such a time as God chose for them to be seen. Simply they were never invisible to Him. They were exactly who God had created them to be, spectacularly significant because of their insignificance.

We you feel invisible ||  You are not forgotten  || God sees you || faith encouragement for women

Like a Cached Seed

I love this analogy Steve Furtick used in his sermon, The Male parent Saw (When You Feel Invisible):

"Sometimes in your life when you are feeling the least successful, that'due south actually the time that you lot are growing the most. Think virtually it like it'due south a seed. When a seed is doing what it was designed to exercise, it is in the place of it'southward greatest vulnerability. When a seed goes into the ground, simply earlier information technology turns into something that can be seen, it is not only hidden, but it is also breaking. And at the moment that the seed is breaking apart, and at the moment that the seed is not seen by homo eyes, it is doing exactly what information technology is intended to do. So for those seasons of your life where you lot seem insignificant, and those seasons of your life where you feel stressed, those may be the moments where you are condign exactly what God fabricated you lot to be."

The bible says we were "knit together in (our) mother's womb" and also that our "frame was not hidden" from God when we were made "in the clandestine identify." He knows our name and even the number of hairs on our head, whether anyone else tin can see u.s. or not. (Psalm 139: 13-15)

Our training might be secluded and hidden from public view, but when it's time to come forth, we can do and so knowing that we are fully known and prepared past God.

Yous might as well be interested in Finding Your Purpose in Poopy Situations

You are NEVER Invisible to God

I can't explain my lack of Dna. It's probably a fluke, but I'll let you lot know if my 2nd one comes back the same. But I do know that I don't need DNA to exist seen by God. Because as a child of God, I have the DNA of my Begetter.

And then, if you feel invisible, overlooked, or insignificant, and you know God, realize that:

You are non forgotten.

God sees y'all.

He knows yous.

And He has a plan for you lot.

When yous feel invisible – You're not invisible to God! He sees YOU. You lot are protected, nurtured, and prepared nether God's fly so that when the fourth dimension is right, you lot'll be ready for your close-up.

Be blessed, my FRIENDS!

Are not v sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not 1 of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12: 6-7

We we feel invisible ||  You are not forgotten  || God sees you
Graphic: Canva

when you feel invisible - feeling insignificant


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